Download Drama Korea The Judge from Hell Subtitle Indonesia
Download Drama Korea The Judge from Hell Subtitle Indonesia drakorindo – Kang Bit-Na (Park Shin-Hye) adalah seorang hakim elit dengan penampilan cantik, tetapi sebenarnya dia adalah seorang iblis. Misinya sebagai iblis adalah untuk membunuh orang-orang jahat yang menuntun orang lain menuju kematian mereka dan tidak merenungkan tindakan mereka dan tidak diampuni atas tindakan mereka. Dia mengirim orang-orang ini ke Neraka setelahnya. Suatu hari, Kang Bit-Na bertemu dengan Han Da-On (Kim Jae-Young). Dia memiliki kepribadian yang ramah dan lembut. Sebagai seorang detektif, pikirannya tajam dan dia memiliki kepekaan pengamatan yang tajam. Namun, secara internal, dia memendam rasa sakit dalam benaknya yang tidak diketahui siapa pun. Setelah Kang Bit-Na dan Han Da-On bertemu satu sama lain, hidup mereka berubah drastis.
Drama: The Judge from Hell
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 14
Airs: Sep 21, 2024 – Nov 2, 2024
Airs On: Friday, Saturday
Original Network: Disney+, SBS
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Park Shin Hye
Kim Jae Young
Download Drama Korea The Judge from Hell Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
540p[RAW]: Filecrypt | Usersdrive | Freedl | Ubank | Katfile | UFlare | Send
Subtitle : Subsource
Episode 2
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
540p[RAW]: Filecrypt | Usersdrive | Freedl | Ubank | Katfile | UFlare | Send
Subtitle : Subsource
Episode 3
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | BuzzHeav
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | BuzzHeav
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | BuzzHeav
540p[RAW]: Filecrypt | Usersdrive | Freedl | Ubank | Katfile | UFlare | Send
Subtitle : Subsource
Episode 4
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
540p[RAW]: Filecrypt | Pixeldrain | Buzz | Ubank | Katfile | UFlare | Send
Subtitle : Subsource
Episode 5
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
Episode 6
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
Episode 7
360p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
480p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
720p:Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
Episode 8
360p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
480p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
720p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
Episode 9
360p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
480p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
720p: Streaming | TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz
Episode 10
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Buzz | Streaming
Episode 11 Revisi Link
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Streaming | BuzzHeav | Mirror
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Streaming | BuzzHeav | Mirror
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Streaming | BuzzHeav | Mirror
Episode 12
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | BuzzHeav
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | BuzzHeav
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | BuzzHeav
Episode 13
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
Episode 14 END
360p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
480p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
720p: TeraBox | Kraken | Gofile | Megaup | Mirrored | Streaming | Buzz
Mantap Admin..thank you saranghae cepet banget update di hari yang sama penayangan

nya !
kapan episode 14nya kakak
Dari episode 11 udah gak bisa dibuka min
udah di revisi chingu
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